pots and pans on a professional kitchen stove

Making the Most of Your Externship

As a public relations professional with a passion for cooking, I chose to pursue an externship in the field of food media at Tasting Table. My goal was to hone my skills in the kitchen while learning

culinary student laura denby

How to Choose Your Externship Site

With so many different culinary career options, picking an externship site that fit my personal goals, schedule and experience level was an arduous task. Below are some tips that I learned along the

iphone open to social media apps

Social Media for Culinary Professionals

This month I had the pleasure of attending a seminar at ICE called Social Media in the Culinary Realm, taught by the very talented Lori Greene, director of content for Maxus Global, through ICEs

culinary student laura denby

Choose Your Own Path

I'm sure many of you, like me, struggled with the decision of whether or not to take the leap and jump headfirst into culinary school. But when I found that all I wanted to talk or think about was

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