A slice of Independence Day velvet cake.

Independence Day Velvet Cake

Tania moved to New York from Jakarta, Indonesia, in February and started career classes at the 51²è¹Ý in March to pursue a path to cake artistry. For her first Independence

Quinoa pasta

Easy Ways to Elevate Your Pasta

What we know as "pasta" today originated in Italy. Pasta, which means "paste" in Italian, is typically made by mixing ground grain or flour with liquid (eggs, water, and/or oil). Throughout history

Herve Malivert and ICE students sort through vegetables

Five Ways to Enjoy a Tasty & Healthy End to Summer

1. Wander through a farmer’s market. We do a lot of our shopping at the Union Square Greenmarket to take advantage of the freshest and tastiest produce in town. Spend time speaking with the farmers

The interior of Bubby's, a popular brunch destination in New York City.

Ron Silver’s Approach to Restaurant Management

When Ron decided to start a pie company for wholesale customers, he began baking at night in borrowed space. After building up to 90 clients, like Balducci’s and Dean & DeLuca, the restaurant evolved

Miso soup

Chef Elliott Prag's Famous Miso Soup

In our Plant-Based Culinary Arts Program, students often take a conventional baking recipe (using white sugar, refined flour and processed ingredients) and convert it step-by-step into a more whole

Venetian rainbow cookies are served on cookie day in ICE's Pastry & Baking Arts program.

How to Make Venetian Rainbow Cookies

Who wouldn't love it? The class breaks into teams to make more than 30 types of cookies, from espresso cardamom sables to white chocolate cherry biscotti, then treats our staff to the sweets. It's

Bourbon Salted Caramel Brownies

Chef Elisa's Bourbon Brownie Recipe

Chef Elisa emphasizes ingredient choice, precision and texture to perfect this dessert. She chooses pure, organic butter free of additives, dark brown sugar for an extra rich flavor, and bourbon for

Macaroni Pie with Graham Cracker Pepper Streusel

Chef Michael Garrett's Macaroni Pie Recipe

In this episode, Chef-Instructor Michael Garrett prepares a mac and cheese dish inspired by his grandma. He developed the recipe at Red Rooster Harlem when he was executive chef, and he still makes it

Raw Peppermint Brownies

Three Chocolate Desserts for Valentine’s Day

The naturally vegan, antioxidant-rich cocoa bean has been worshipped for centuries, and we still can’t get enough of it today. When using chocolate in dessert recipes, our Plant-Based Culinary Arts

Mushrooms are predicted to be a 2019 food trend.

ICE Advice on 2019 Food Trends

Here’s what food and lifestyle sources say to expect in the restaurant and hospitality industries this year ⎯ and how to cook, bake and host accordingly. Kitchn says Pinterest “searches for recipes

Hors d'oeuvres are served at NGI's 40th anniversary event.

Natural Gourmet Institute Alumni to Know

Jay Astafa opened Long Island's first entirely vegan restaurant, 3 Brothers Vegan Cafe, and founded a plant-based catering and experiential events company in New York and Los Angeles called PLANT [r

Ignacio Mattos Culinary Voice

My Culinary Voice: Chef Ignacio Mattos

When it comes to his culinary voice, Chef Ignacio Mattos is all about the palate — and less about fussy presentation. The Uruguayan-born chef cut his teeth alongside Francis Mallman and Alice Waters —

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